I am now offering natural manicures and pedicures at Legends Salon!
They will be sale priced until April 30/2018
30 min MINI mani= $10 (reg 20)
30 min MINI pedi = $12 (reg 25)
45 min reg manicure = $15 (reg 30)
45 min reg pedicure = $17 (reg 35)
60 min Spa manicure = $20 (reg 40)
60 min Spa pedicure = $22 (reg 45)
Come take advantage of my CRAZY SPRING sale @ Legends Salon!
8048 S 84th Street,
La Vista, NE
Call the salon @ (402)592-6579
OR text me (Tami) @ (402) 949-2113
To set up an appointment today!
You can also schedule here https://www.vagaro.com/legendssalon
I look forward to treating you to one of these fun, relaxing services!