Marketplace Ads

Desk Top Fountains
15 @ $69.00 / ea
Date posted: 15-Aug-2024
Condition: New
Min. Buy of two units
We have some designs of table top size ( about 12 inches in height ) hand made ceramic water fountains for 
the ITEX trade members as gift for them self or as gift to others for any occasions.
Each fountain come with a water pump and it generate soothing water sound and relax your mind & spirit especially in
the COVIT-19 time.  The price is ITEX $49 each, freight & tax ( in California is 9% ) in Visa payment. However, the more
you buy and the more discount you will get. Call George at his cell ( 510) 701-3348 to discuss or send email to his address"
Desk Top Fountains
15 @ $69.00 / ea
Date posted: 15-Aug-2024
Condition: New
Min. Buy of two units
We have some designs of table top size ( about 12 inches in height ) hand made ceramic water fountains for 
the ITEX trade members as gift for them self or as gift to others for any occasions.
Each fountain come with a water pump and it generate soothing water sound and relax your mind & spirit especially in
the COVIT-19 time.  The price is ITEX $49 each, freight & tax ( in California is 9% ) in Visa payment. However, the more
you buy and the more discount you will get. Call George at his cell ( 510) 701-3348 to discuss or send email to his address"

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ITEX in Silicon Valley

Susan Beall
1172 Murphy Ave.
Suite 238
San Jose, CA 95131
(P) (408) 556-9143
Web Site:

ITEX in Silicon Valley

Susan Beall
1172 Murphy Ave.
Suite 238
San Jose, CA 95131
(P) (408) 556-9143
Web Site: