Are you sick of paying hundreds or thousands of dollars a month in credit card processing fees? Instead of paying 2-4% on all credit cards, you could get 100% of your credit card sales just like if your customers were paying cash?
At we help businesses pay 0% out of pocket credit card processing rates. Save up to 95% off of your out-of-pocket credit card processing charges in as little 48 business hours.
We have mobile readers, smart terminals and POS systems. Some are available to purchase on ITEX based on availability.
Here are some industries that work really well with our program:
Auto Repair and Auto Collision Shops
Home Services like A/C Repair, Plumbing, Electricians, Pest Control, Pressure Washing & More
Medical Services
Wholesale and B2B services
Many More industries
To find out more please visit and click on Request a Call or Get Started and fill out your information and mention that you are from ITEX. You can also email