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Energy Healing-Zoom Sessions Available
unlimited @ Varies
Date posted: 13-Jan-2025

Energy healing is definitely the future of healing why?  Because it is so effective and utterly free of harmful side effects.  What’s more, in addition to being effective and free of harmful side effects, it is incredibly fast compared to more traditional means.  Energy modalities are free of harmful side effects whether it be energy psychology or energy medicine because in energy healing it is your own higher- self that guides the healing.   After many years of pursuing my own healing journey, life is now leading me into practicing those very forms of healing that I have found to be the most effective.    By far these are primarily HBLU (healing from the body level up) BSFF (Be Set Free Fast) and Set Yourself Free (an outgrowth of BSFF).  From all of these I have been certified to treat PTSD, history trauma, phobias, addictions, seduction patterns and more.  What’s more, once issues have been successfully transformed the results are truly permanent, not to return again.  Muscle testing and 30 years of clinical research have been utilized to locate as well as eradicate the roots of the interference patterns that keep you from the life you intend.  Muscle testing then determines the most effective healing technique to permanently transform the blocking energies.
 ReNae Monette 858-481-9017

Zoom Sessions Available

Energy Healing-Zoom Sessions Available
unlimited @ Varies
Date posted: 13-Jan-2025

Energy healing is definitely the future of healing why?  Because it is so effective and utterly free of harmful side effects.  What’s more, in addition to being effective and free of harmful side effects, it is incredibly fast compared to more traditional means.  Energy modalities are free of harmful side effects whether it be energy psychology or energy medicine because in energy healing it is your own higher- self that guides the healing.   After many years of pursuing my own healing journey, life is now leading me into practicing those very forms of healing that I have found to be the most effective.    By far these are primarily HBLU (healing from the body level up) BSFF (Be Set Free Fast) and Set Yourself Free (an outgrowth of BSFF).  From all of these I have been certified to treat PTSD, history trauma, phobias, addictions, seduction patterns and more.  What’s more, once issues have been successfully transformed the results are truly permanent, not to return again.  Muscle testing and 30 years of clinical research have been utilized to locate as well as eradicate the roots of the interference patterns that keep you from the life you intend.  Muscle testing then determines the most effective healing technique to permanently transform the blocking energies.
 ReNae Monette 858-481-9017

Zoom Sessions Available


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Roger Boroway, IFB

Deborah Martin
9528 Miramar Rd
San Diego, CA 92126
(P) (619) 472-2929
Web Site:

Roger Boroway, IFB

Deborah Martin
9528 Miramar Rd
San Diego, CA 92126
(P) (619) 472-2929
Web Site: