If you aren't using as much barter in your business as you can, you are missing out on great opportunities.
Think of all the areas where CASH is draining from your business: ads – print and media, air conditioning repairs, business service professionals, carpet cleaning, computer supplies, etc.
Use your barter account more often than you have been doing: PLAN to use your trade dollars for the ABOVE expenses, PLUS market your business to bring in even more CASH customers.
You can do BOTH!!! Let BASES SEO Advisor enhance your present web site, AND your “Google MY Business” listings.
SEE the difference proper SEO can make for your business. Organic SEO is NOT a subscription plan, but the quick beginning to more sales for you.
GOOGLE needs a hierarchy in the page order: H1, p, h2, p, h3, p, etc. so I create the proper order GOOGLE expects. – John
EXTRA Make your site GOOGLE mobile-friendly with hyper- linked smartphone dialing code <a< span=""></a<>
href="tel:1234567890">Call us at 123-456-7890
and maps.
NOTE that GOOGLE rewards mobile-friendly sites with advanced positioning.
Let’s get started: (617) 943-3901 or BosBusOps@yahoo.com
John Maloni – BASES SEO Advisor – Boston / Fort Lauderdale